Butter is Better

Butter, so long swept off the table, is BACK.


3 reasons why Butter is so good for your health:

1. Butter contains Butyric Acid. Actually named after butter (Get it, Butter: Butyrate?) because it is was the first food source found this special fat.

Butyrate is a short-chain saturated fat, which is digested, absorbed, metabolized differently from medium chain (Coconut/Palm Oil) and long chain (meat/poultry) fats. Only found in Dairy, mostly butter, because it is the concentration of milk fat. It has a sourish smell.

This specific butter from fat, regulates the size and function of T-cells (Immune cells) in the colon, and been shown to be of use in colonic immune conditions like Colitis. It regulates (large) intestinal immunity. 

Butyrate also is the main energy source the cells of your large intestine, and encourages appropriate cell turnover & growth of the cells in the Large Intestine (Colon)

& It acts as an anti-inflammatory in the bowel. (It's like homemade Ibuprofen)

1 tbsp of butter contains 452 mg of Butyrate.


2. Contains 10% of your RECOMMENDED Daily Cholesterol.

Remember, Cholesterol is not bad for you. We need it for our hormones to function, we need it for our Vitamin D to form. We need it for our cells to be strong. Cholesterol is only damaging in excess or when it oxidizes in our arteries.

1 tbsp of butter contains 31 mg of Cholesterol.


3. Butter is delicious.

Seems simple, but if you really want to feel healthy, loving the food you eat is important. Butter, imparts flavour, it enhances satiety and allows you to finish your meal without cravings. Because of its ability to satiate even with small amounts properties , butter can assist with reducing obesity, or energy depletion. Fat is your friend.

1 tbsp of butter contains 100% deliciousness.

Why is it Yellow?

The colour has to do with what the milk producing animal eats. Carotene is a red/orange pigment in plants, that converts to Vitamin A. If they eat lots of grass, or carotene-rich feed, the formed Vitamin A will show up in the fat. When it shows up blended with the white of milk, orange/red turns up yellow.

Vitamin A is fat soluble, so butter is a great vehicle for your Vitamin A.

1 tbsp of butter gives you about 350 IU (7%) of your recommended daily.

The types:

Sweet Cream Butter - is generally the churned butter after the cream has been pasteurized, nothing added. Sweeter than cultured butter, because bacteria eat a little of the sweetness.

Cultured Butter - can be raw or pasteurized cream, (originally raw) that has fermented with bacterial cultures, and is then churned. Kind of like yoghurt. Also called Old Fashioned butter.

Slather up!